Red Hangar


Directed by Juan Pablo Sallato 
Written by Luis Emilio Guzmán
Executive Producers Juan Ignacio Sabatini, Juan Pablo Sallato. Mercedes Cordova, Valeria Forester

Based on the book: Shoot the flockSecret Chronicle of Crimes in the FACH ‘Against Bachelet and others'”. By Fernando Villgrán


Chile, 1973. Captain Jorge Silva (37), former head of Intelligence for the Air Force, sees his tranquility shattered when he is ordered to participate in the Military Coup. He envisions it as a temporary and efficient action, but as violence and state terrorism begin to spread, Silva finds himself trapped in a moral dilemma, torn between obeying his superiors or following his conscience. The threat of a witch-hunt within the military institution makes it even more challenging, as he knows that any mistake could turn him into an enemy of his former comrades. With time running against him, Silva must make a decision before it’s too late.